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>> 09:00 - 09:10 | Introduction by the Chairman of the Forum

Michalis Persianis, Chairman Cyprus Fiscal Council

>> 09:10 - 09:20 | Achieving sustainable economic growth: Financing a green and digital recovery in Europe

The path to a sustainable and resilient economic growth paradigm requires coordinated, bold and transformative actions. To achieve such transition, significant reforms and substantial amounts of capital are needed from both public and private sources. Green financing and digital technology in the context of a green and sustainable finance agenda are two powerful forces that facilitate the said transition, with the risks of falling behind being significant.
Constantinos Herodotou, Governor Central Bank of Cyprus

>> 09:20 - 09:40 | Prospects for an economic / productivity boom in Europe after the COVID-19 pandemic

This presentation reviews the evidence for and against a new ‘Roaring 20s’ decade in Europe, concluding that a forceful economic expansion after the Covid-19 pandemic is not unimaginable. However, a strong prolonged economic bonanza is unlikely to materialise evenly across the EU, possibly acquiescing intra-country imbalances. As such, policymakers should avoid complacency, and make the most of the Recovery and Resilience Facility funds, combining them with wide-reaching structural reforms.
Alessio Terzi, Economist

>> 09:40 - 10:00 | Where is inflation heading?

After more than two decades where inflation was dormant, very close to the central banks’ targets, inflation is back in the news. Current estimates for 2021 are that US inflation will be above 4%, twice the Fed’s target, and above 3% in the EZ, after many years around 1%. This talk will discuss whether this increase in inflation will remain in 2022, why did it come about in the first place, and what are central banks doing about it.
Ricardo A. M. R. Reis, AW Phillips Professor of Economics London School of Economics (LSE)

>> 10:00 - 10:20 | Growth in Europe after COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic led to a major fall in GDP and disruption of labour markets. Demand has collapsed in certain sectors, teleworking has become the norm in others and the use of digital tools has strongly increased, thus accelerating the already ongoing digital transition. Governments have put in place unprecedented policy responses to mitigate economic and social fallout. Yet, how to make the recovery inclusive and resilient remains an open question.
Cinzia Alcidi, Director of Research Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)

>> 10:20 - 10:50 | Panel Discussion

Ministerial Panel: The economics of the European Union - Paving the way towards sustainable economic growth • The EU response to the COVID-19 pandemic: How the EU and its member states supported households and businesses 
• The recovery and resilience facility: A recovery plan for Europe 
• Economic outlook: Forecasting economic growth after the pandemic 
• What is on the agenda of EU Finance Ministers?
Constantinos Petrides, Minister of Finance Republic of Cyprus
Christos Staikouras, Minister of Finance Greece

>> 11:20 - 11:40 | Brave new corona-world: The Impact of the pandemic on geopolitics and society

The COVID-19 pandemic has a political fallout with at least three main dimensions: the relations between China and the West, the authoritarian temptation in the West itself, and the renewed calls by the Left for Big Government. They are strongly interlinked because ultimately, they are all about the different forms of organising our societies and the relation between the individual and the collective.
Roland Freudstein, Policy Director Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies

>> 11:40 - 12:20 | Panel Discussion

Diplomatic Panel: Ambassadors discuss global challenges and opportunities
Kornelios S. Korneliou, Permanent Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Cyprus
Madhumita Hazarika Bhagat, High Commissioner High Commision of India to Cyprus
Salina Grenet-Catalano, Ambassador Embassy of France in Cyprus
Judith G. Garber, Ambassador Embassy of the United States of America to Cyprus
Amr Mohsen Hamza, Ambassador Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Cyprus
Stephen Lillie, High Commissioner British High Commission in Cyprus

>> 12:20 - 12:40 | Transatlantic free trade: Can the EU and the US lead the global economy in the 21st Century?

The architecture of the modern global economy is a consequence of Transatlantic economic leadership over the past 70 years. But the rules and norms of open trade and market-based competition are now challenged – by rising and old powers alike. Protectionism is growing and the race over 21st century technological leadership is making many countries defensive and inward-looking. What needs to happen to reverse the trend of economic nationalism? Can tighter Transatlantic cooperation stabilize global economic policy and make the future safe for economic openness? 
Fredrik Erixon, Director European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE)

>> 12:40 - 12:55 | The future of energy in the European Union - Major energy trends and policy issues

• Clean energy: Fueling the transition to a low carbon economy
• Climate change: Major EU and member states policies and initiatives
• The European Green Deal
• What is on the agenda of the EU Energy Ministers?
Natasa Pilides, Minister of Energy, Commerce and Industry Republic of Cyprus

>> 12:55 - 13:15 | The future of work

Tom Simmons, Economist Clients & Industries Deloitte

>> 13:15 - 14:20 | Panel Discussion

The Business Leaders Panel: Navigating the post-COVID-19 unknown
Nawaf Abdulla, CEO DP World Limassol
Dimitrios Filopoulos, Country Manager Cyprus Public
Grant Johnson, Property General Manager City of Dreams Mediterranean and Cyprus Casinos, Melco Cyprus
Nicos S. Kyriakides, Head of Financial Advisory Services Deloitte Cyprus
Elias Neocleous, Managing Partner Elias Neocleous & Co LLC
Maria Damalou, Manager Cyta Business
Panicos Nicolaou, CEO Bank of Cyprus

>> 14:20 - 14:30 | Concluding remarks by the Chairman of the Forum

Michalis Persianis, Chairman Cyprus Fiscal Council
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